
Sunday 15 March 2009

Insulation part two

Time to get some Celotex into the rear cavities.

First up (as mentioned in a previous post) is some panel-weighting.

This is fitted to take out some of the resonance (road noise) made by a vibrating panel. There's big chunks of it on the wheel arch down inside the cavity.

Next up, the Celotex goes in...

Due to the small apertures this has to go in in relatively small pieces. There's not much scope here for a good-looking job, just an effective one!

Next in, thermo-wrap

Cut to size and slide it in. There will also be thermo wrap taped to the back of the panel that covers back over.

The final stage is a sheet of polythene to cover the apertures, sealed with waterproof tape.

And that's it...

The standard grey Volkswagen panel clips back on as before. For a whole afternoon's work it doesn't really look like I've done anything, does it?


  1. Hi again Richard

    Did you put any celotex on the top panels before replacing ply walls? If not, what's your reasoning?


  2. I did the upper panels as well, just didn't take any photos sorry - it took hardly any time to do the upper panels with it just being one flat area and I must have replaced the ply without thinking of taking pictures.

    Thanks again for reading the blog,
